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Q: What is the greatest problem presented by a form of government in which men rule over other men according to James Madison?
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The government.

What did Madison consider to be the greatest difficulty in creating a government?

because he did good answer

What was James Madison experience in the government?

He was in the House of Representatives also that is when he presented the first amendment. And he was the 4th president.

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James Madison states in the Federalist 51 that "justice is the end of government"

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Where do the rights of property originate according to James Madison?

In the republican government

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According to Madison, a compound republic is a government that has a federal structure that has more than one level of government. The power is first shared between two district governments.

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According to Madison The Different Internets arise in a civilization nation wanted a strong Federal government.

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James Madison's greatest obstacle was funtimeamerica

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