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Έργο (ergo) , δουλειά (dulia) , εργασία (ergasia) , δουλεύω (dulevo)

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Q: What is the greek word for work?
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What does the word work mean in greek?

The Greek root word for "work" is "ergon." It does not share a meaning with the Old English word for work, which is "wrycan."

What is the Greek word for voice?

The Greek word for voice is "φωνή" (phoné).

Where did the word energetic originate from?

Energetic derives from the Greek word 'ergon' meaning to work. There is also a Greek word 'energein' meaning to work in, upon or operate. The word eventually passed into the English language to mean powerfully effective

What is the greek word for leisure?

Greeks go to party's or work

What is the another word for hard work?

another word gor hard work, is work hard. which comes from america, which comes from greek. toil

What does the root word erg mean?

The root word "erg" means work or action. It is derived from the Greek word "ergon."

What is the Greek work for killer?

The Greek word for killer is "δολοφόνος" (dolofónos).

Where does the word iconic originate from?

the word is from the Greek 'Eikon' meaning a religious work of art, commonly painting

Element that comes from the greek word meaning stone?

Lithium coming from the greek work lithos, which is roughly translated at stone

Where is automat?

The word Automata derived from a Greek word Automaton, Automatas means any machine can work on his own will.

Which language does the word 'massage'originate?

The word massage comes from the French, Arabic and Greek languages. It means friction of kneading in French, to touch or handle in Arabic and work with the hands in Greek.

How do you translate energy into greek?

Its a greek word. Eνέργεια (energia/ energy) Eν-εργο having the ability to do something (εργο : work)