

What is the gross income of us gov per year?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is the gross income of us gov per year?
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What is a gross distribution?

it is your share from your country income per 1 year

What is The gross national income in England?

England's gross national income is 2263.7 billion dollars per year. hope this helps!

If a country's per capita gross national income rose from 7500 to 8100 this year?

this country has remained a middle income nation

How can you use gross income in a sentence?

"I receive a gross income of $750 per week from my employer."

17 dollars per hour is how much per year?

There are 52 weeks in a year making the total gross income without any unpaid leaves or overtime $35,360.

What does Nike pay Steve Nash per year?

gross income 200 php less tax payables 199.99 = 1 cent a year

Is per capita income per year?

This question references the economic indicator of individual earnings, commonly gauged by the term of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. GDP per capita is measured by income divided by the population over the time period of one year.

What is exculded from gross income for section 8 housing?

Medical expenses in excess of 3%, plus $400 per year, of the disabled or elderly person's annual income.

What is the GNP of Cuba?

The gross national product (GNP) of Cuba is about $11 billion. The per capita income for individuals is less than $1,000 per year.

Richest country year 2008?

The richest country is Qatar in Gross Domestic Product per capita income GDP per Capita Source: CIA

What is per capita income in Iran at 2010?

The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is the national output, divided by the population, expressed in U.S dollars per person, for the latest year for which data is published. Iran's per capita income is $4,732.

What is the maximum you should spend on housing if your gross income is 1 800 per month?

The maximum you should spend on housing is 30% of your monthly income. If your gross monthly income is $1800, you should spend no more than $540 per month.