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Halogens, Group 7.

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Q: What is the group name and number of the most reactive nonmetals?
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Which group on the periodic table contains the most reactive nonmetals?

The Halogen Family is the most reactive group of nonmetals.

The most reactive nonmetals on the periodic table are?

The most reactive nonmetals are the halogens in group 17 of the periodic table.

What group has the most reactive nonmetals?


What is the most reactive family of nonmetals and metals?

The most reactive nonmetals are in group 17 (halogens). The most reactive metals are in group 1 (alkali metals).

Which group of nonmetals is the most reactive in soild phase?

Group 7. Fluorine, which belongs to group 7, is the most reactive element.

What is the most reactive group of a metals and nonmetals?

Metals: alkaline metals Nonmetals: halogens

Does group 7A of the periodic tables contain the least reactive nonmetals?

The halogen group is the MOST reactive nonmetal group.

Where are the most reactive nonmetals located on the periodic table?

The most reactive nonmetals are located in top most right section of the Periodic Table, excluding group 18 (has no reactivity).

Where on the periodic table is most reactive nonmetal?

The most reactive nonmetals are the halogens in group 17 of the periodic table.

What are the most reactive groups of nonmetals on the periodic table?

The most reactive group of non metal is group-17. It is called halogen family.

Which group on the Periodic Table of Elements has the most reactive nonmetals?

group 17 or halogens

What group of nonmetals are the most reactive and why are they the most reactive?

The halogens, periodic table column 17, are the most reactive nonmetals, because they have the highest electronegativities and therefore can strongly attract electrons from almost any other elements.