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Its group 16

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Q: What is the group number of the most nonmetallic group that contains metalloids?
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What group contains metals?

Group 1-12 (all metals). Group 13-16 contains metals, metalloids as well as non-metals.

Is group 14 on the periodic table contains metals nonmetals and Metalloids?


Which element on the periodic table is a nonmetallic liquid at STP?

Bromine, group 17; Mercury, group 12. Both are liquids at STP

What is the only group that is completely nonmetallic?

Group 18

Describe the trend in nonmetallic property of the elements in group 16?

The name of the group is the oxygen family. The valence number for elements in that group are -2. (gain or share two electrons) Oxygen, sulfur and selenium are nonmetals. Tellurium and Polonium are metalloids.

What is the group number of the most metallic group that contains metalloids?

I suppose that you think to group 13: B, Al, Ga, In, Tl, Uut.

What is the location of germanium on the periodic table?

Period 4, Group 14, Number 32, in the Metalloids section.

What group is to the right of the metalloids?

The nonmetals.

Metalsnon metals and metalloids located in the period?

the metalloids are located in the group in the bottom next to your but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is antimony non metal or a metallic?

Antimony is a metalloid which means that it has metallic and nonmetallic properties and it is element 51 in the Periodic Table lying in the diagonal metalloids in the p group. The metallic and nonmetallic properties may be, for example, that it is grey and shiny like a metal but it may also be brittle and not conduct heat and electricity like a nonmetal.

What group silicon is in?

Silicon is in Group 4A or 14.

What group consists of the most reactive nonmetallic elements?

Group 17, the halogens