

What is the hard stuff outside of an egg?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It is called the shell. When you boil eggs, after wards, you break the shell of the egg of to eat it.Or to protect the baby chicken inside if your gonna let it hatch.

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Q: What is the hard stuff outside of an egg?
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In a hard-boiled egg, the white will be solid and almost rubbery. The yolk will be yellow and may have a grayish tinge on the outside.

What is the white stuff inside a hard boiled egg?

When you peel a hard boiled egg you will first notice that after the shell is a white shell membrane, that is there to make sure the egg does not leak out of the pores. Next you will see the egg whites, this is albumen, a protein and water mix that is there to cushion the egg yolk and IF this were a fertilized egg, would provide water to the growing embryo.

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What is an eggshell?

An eggshell is the hard, white or brown outside, or you could call it crust, that encircles the yolk and white of the egg.

What animal is hard on the outside and soft on the inside?

Well, a lot of things; like, a tiger, lion, bird, egg....

What is the outside part of the egg called?

The outside of an egg is called the shell.