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The hard surface of the tooth is made of enamel which is the hardest tissue in the human body. Tooth enamel has no living cells so unlike a broken or fractured bone the body has no way to repair chipped/cracked enamel.

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Q: What is the hard surface of tooth made of?
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Related questions

What is the hard surface of tooth called?

The hard surfce on the surface of a tooth is enamel.

What is The surface of the tooth that faces towards the hard palate?

Labial surface

What part of the tooth is the enamel?

Basically it is the outer layer of a tooth that can get broken down by grinding your teeth and chewing hard candies.

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What is the function of the dentine in the tooth?

It is one of the 4 components of the mammalian tooth and is to be found just beneath the hard enamel outer layer or in ridges between ridges of hard enamel. Being softer than the enamel, in herbivores (like the elephant) the dentine wears away faster ensuring that the roughness of the tooth surface is maintained as the tooth itself wears away. In omnivores and carnivores, it mechanically supports the enamel surface and protects the tooth pulp and nerves.

What is the function of dentine in a mammalian tooth?

It is one of the 4 components of the mammalian tooth and is to be found just beneath the hard enamel outer layer or in ridges between ridges of hard enamel. Being softer than the enamel, in herbivores (like the elephant) the dentine wears away faster ensuring that the roughness of the tooth surface is maintained as the tooth itself wears away. In omnivores and carnivores, it mechanically supports the enamel surface and protects the tooth pulp and nerves.

Is a resin one surface anterior a tooth cleaning?

A resin one surface anterior is a tooth colored filling on a front tooth.

What is 'tooth' in reference to drawing?

Tooth is the term used to determine the roughness of the ground (paper,artist's board, etc.) on which you are intending to draw. A ground with little tooth is generally smooth and polished with a "hard" surface. This sort of ground gathers less of your medium. A ground with a lot of tooth is generally rougher and coarser with a "softer" surface. This sort of ground will gather more of you medium with much less pressure than a smoother surface.

Why back teeth decays moastly?

back teeth contain the grooves because they are flatter on the surface and sometimes hard to reach with the tooth brush.

What is pertaining to tooth and cheek the surface of a tooth against the cheek?


What is a plaque in medical tems?

It's a biofilm that colonizes the tooth surface. It's made up of bacteria and the compounds that they secrete.

What is the surface of the tooth that faces away from the median line?

distal surface.