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The hardened layer of lava is called "igneous rock".

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Q: What is the hardened layer of lava called?
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What is a hardened layer of magma called?

A hardened layer of magma is called a lava flow or volcanic rock.

Is the bottom of the deepest ocean lava?

no way its basically sand and hardened magma (ya know, the mantle layer of the earth). If it was lava we'd be dead. xP

Is hardened lava a mineral?

No, hardened lava is not considered a mineral. Minerals have a defined chemical composition and crystal structure, whereas hardened lava is a type of rock formed from solidified molten magma.

What is cooled lava call?

Cooled lava is called a igneous rock once it has completely cooled and hardened. Some people just call it lava rock.

What cave forms when molten rock flows out from beneath a hardened surface of lava and leaves behind an underground chamber?

This is called a lava tube.

What are melted rocks that cool and harden called?

Molten rock is magma. It is called lava once it has cooled and hardened.

What are the cycles of lava?

The cycles are molten rock, lava, and then hardened lava like obsidian.

What forms from hardened lava?

igneous rocks

How hot is hardened lava?

Hardened lava typically ranges from about 600 to 1200 degrees Celsius (1100 to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit), depending on the type of lava and cooling conditions.

Compared to the particles in a hardened lava sample the particles in a liquid lava sample?

The particles in a hardened lava sample will be solidified and compacted, while the particles in a liquid lava sample will be molten and in a flowing state. The hardened lava particles will have a crystalline structure, whereas the liquid lava particles will lack a fixed arrangement due to their high temperature.

What is a hardened layer in a volcano?

As lava cools, it hardens and forms a thick layer of rock. These rocks are known as igneous rocks. An example of an igneous rock is pumice, which is used in spa treatments to soften feet.

What is the solid magma core of a volcano called?

Magma is underground, when it reaches the surface it becomes lava. So solidified magma is really lava. The lava flow is the liquid lava as it goes down the mountain, when hard its just hardened lava. Magma is underground, when it reaches the surface it becomes lava. So solidified magma is really lava. The lava flow is the liquid lava as it goes down the mountain, when hard its just hardened lava.