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Q: What is the hardness range between H01 and H02?
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What chemicals used to make toilet paper from recycled paper?

The chemical used to make toilet paper from recycled paper is h02 + Co2 --> h04C2 why do you bother about "The chemical used to make toilet paper from recycled paper is h02 + Co2 --> h04C2" oh my god you are weird NERD

Where is the h02 sensor in 2002 Jeep Wrangler?

The oxygen sensors are screwed into the exhaust pipe on either side of the catalytic converter.

What Can Lime Juice Do?

lime juice can boil fish oil. the base of fish oil and the major chemical (H02) can actually heat up and if proportions are right boil. This can cook fish but is dangerous because it can make you sick and boil through your stomach. SO DO NOT TRY.

What happens when oxygen it is mixed with water?

you will have bubbles,water is made up of oxygen, H2O----1part hydrogen 2 part oxygen - uh actually if you break down the chemical formula of water - H20 you will see that it is made up of 2 hydrogen and one oxygen not 1 hydrogen and two oxygen if it were it would look like this H02 doesnt look right does it!! Water is and always will be made up of two hydrogen and one oxygen!

What would happen if you mixed two oxygen atoms and one hydrogen atom?

No, as one oxygen atom by itself does not exist. What you have in the atmosphere is O2, or 2 atoms of oxygen bounded together. You can, however combine O2 and H2 to make water. Just step back because this reaction releases quite a bit of energy.

In The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks how do you get all the Heart Containers?

_ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #1 [H01] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Forest Temple Required Items: Whirlwind First Chance to Get: Within reaching the Forest Temple Stagnox Box-- Receive the heart container after defeating Stagnox Armored Colossus. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #2 [H02] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Castle Town: "Take 'em All On" Challenge Required Items: The Whirlwind, 50 rupees First Chance to Get: After Forest Temple After beating the Forest Temple head to Castle Town. Enter the building at the bottom-right corner of town and talk to the woman who runs the games. The Level 1 version consists of 10 floors and most of the enemies are fairly easy. However, you do not get any recovery hearts throughout the 10 floors, but you still can use potions. Listed below are a full list of all enemies on each floor. Room 1 - Six Yellow Spinuts Room 2 - Seven Octoroks Room 3 - Five Rats, Four Bubbles Room 4 - Six Red ChuChu's Room 5 - Six Blastworms Room 6 - Six Keese Room 7 - Two Mothula's Room 8 - Three Yellow Spinuts, Three Octoroks Room 9 - Four Yellow Spinuts, Four Octoroks, Four Red ChuChu's Room 10 - Stagnox, Armored Colossus _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #3 [H03] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Rabbitland Rescue Required Items: Rabbit Net First Chance to Get: After Snow Temple Capture at least five rabbits and then return to the Rabbitland Rescue and speak with the owner. You can get the Rabbit Net before the Snow Temple, but you do not gain access to 5 rabbits until after completion of the Snow Temple. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #4 [H04] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Snow Temple Required Items: Boomerang First Chance to Get: When reaching the Snow Temple Fraaz Box-- Found within a treasure chest after defeating Fraaz, Master of Icy Fire. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #5 [H05] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Snow Sanctuary Required Items: 2,000 rupees First Chance to Get: When reaching the Snow Sanctuary Can be purchased from the Anouki shop at the Snow Sanctuary for 2,000 rupees. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #6 [H06] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Hyrule Castle Required Items: At least 50 rupees. First Chance to Get: After Snow Temple After completing the Snow Temple, you should be getting a letter from Russell, the swordsman at Hyrule Castle. Check it out and Russell has setup a mini-game of sorts. You must score at least 60 hits on the three guards to get the heart container. The trick is to just stay between the swordsman on the right and at the bottom. Just keep hitting them over and over, and when you see one of them reaching back as if they are going to hit Link, quickly turn around and slash at them. You should be out of reach so the left guard won't be of any problems. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #7 [H07] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Ocean Temple Required Items: Whip First Chance to Get: When reaching the Ocean Temple Phytops Box-- Found within a treasure chest after defeating Phytops, Barbed Menace. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #8 [H08] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Whittleton Village Required Items: Whip First Chance to Get: After Ocean Temple After getting the whip head to Whittleton Village and you can do the Whip Race. If you score a time of under 1:15, you will be rewarded with a heart container! _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #9 [H09] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Fire Temple Required Items: Bow and Arrow First Chance to Get: When reaching the Fire Temple Cragma Box-- Found within a treasure chest after defeating Cragma, Lava Lord. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #10 [H10] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Pirate Hideout Required Items: None First Chance to Get: After Fire Temple After Link after Link has completed the Fire Temple, he can then collect the 16th Force Gem by bringing 10 unites of Mega Ice to the fish seller in Papuchia Village. This will open the Spirit Tracks to allow you to reach the Pirate Hideout. After saving the Papuchia Prisoner you can play he Pirate minigame. Score 4,000 points and you'll get the heart container! _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #11 [H11] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Sand Temple Required Items: Sand Wand First Chance to Get: When reaching the Sand Temple Sheldritch Box-- Found within a treasure chest after defeating Sheldritch, Ancient Demon. _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #12 [H12] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Beedle's Air Shop Required Items: 5,000 Rupees First Chance to Get: Once Beedle's Air Shop Opens, but usually closer to end of the game. After you have purchased 5,000 rupees worth of goods from Beedle's Air Shop, you will have become a Gold Club Member, as you have earned 500pts. As a reward for being such a frequent shopper, Beedle awards Link with a Heart Container! _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \/ \ Heart Container #13 [H13] \ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ / \/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Ends of the Earth Station Required Items: Sand Wand First Chance to Get: When reaching Earth Station. Link first needs to collect the 20th Force Gem to open up the Spirit Tracks to access a the Ends of the Earth Station, located at the far northeast of the land. At the Ends of the Earth Station, there is a cave that has several block pushing puzzles. After the third and most difficult of the block pushing puzzles, Link will be rewarded with a full heart container!

How do you write Verilog code for modified booth encoder?

1.booth encoder module:module booth_encode(input [2:0] X,output reg[2:0] SDN);always @ (X)beginif(X==8'b000) SDN=3'b000;else if(X==3'b001) SDN=3'b100;else if(X==3'b010) SDN=3'b100;else if(X==3'b011) SDN=3'b010;else if(X==3'b100) SDN=3'b011;else if(X==3'b101) SDN=3'b101;else if(X==3'b110) SDN=3'b101;else if(X==3'b111) SDN=3'b000;else SDN=3'bx;endendmodule2.Booth decoder module:module booth_decoder(input [7:0] Y,input [2:0] beo,output reg[8:0] bdo);reg [8:0]A;reg [7:0]X;always @(Y,beo)begincase(beo)3'b000:bdo=9'b000000000;3'b100:bdo={1'b0,Y};3'b101:beginX=(~Y)+1'b1;bdo={1'b1,X};end3'b010:bdo={Y,1'b0};3'b011:beginA={Y,1'b0};bdo=(~A)+1'b1;endendcaseendendmodule3.carry save adder module:module csa(input [14:0] P0,input [12:0] P1,input [10:0] P2,input [8:0] P3,output [14:0] P);wire sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sb1,sc1,sd1,se1,sf1,sg1,sh1,si1,sj1,sk1,sl1,sm1,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,ca1,cb1,cc1,cd1,ce1,cf1,cg1,ch1,ci1,cj1,ck1,cl1,c00,c01,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11;hah01(P0[0],1'b0,P[0],c00);ha h02(P0[1],1'b0,P[1],c01);ha h1(P0[2],P1[0],P[2],ca);ha h2(P0[3],P1[1],sb,cb);fa f01(P0[4],P1[2],P2[0],sc,cc);fa f02(P0[5],P1[3],P2[1],sd,cd);fa f03(P0[6],P1[4],P2[2],se,ce);fa f04(P0[7],P1[5],P2[3],sf,cf);fa f05(P0[8],P1[6],P2[4],sg,cg);fa f06(P0[9],P1[7],P2[5],sh,ch);fa f07(P0[10],P1[8],P2[6],si,ci);fa f08(P0[11],P1[9],P2[7],sj,cj);fa f09(P0[12],P1[10],P2[8],sk,ck);fa f010(P0[13],P1[11],P2[9],sl,cl);fa f011(P0[14],P1[12],P2[10],sm,cm);ha h3(sb,ca,P[3],ca1);ha h4(sc,cb,sc1,cb1);ha h5(sd,cc,sd1,cc1);fa f11(se,cd,P3[0],se1,cd1);fa f12(sf,ce,P3[1],sf1,ce1);fa f13(sg,cf,P3[2],sg1,cf1);fa f14(sh,cg,P3[3],sh1,cg1);fa f15(si,ch,P3[4],si1,ch1);fa f16(sj,ci,P3[5],sj1,ci1);fa f17(sk,cj,P3[6],sk1,cj1);fa f18(sl,ck,P3[7],sl1,ck1);fa f19(sm,cl,P3[8],sm1,cl1);ha h6(sc1,ca1,P[4],c1);fa f1(c1,sd1,cb1,P[5],c2);fa f2(c2,se1,cc1,P[6],c3);fa f3(c3,sf1,cd1,P[7],c4);fa f4(c4,sg1,ce1,P[8],c5);fa f5(c5,sh1,cf1,P[9],c6);fa f6(c6,si1,cg1,P[10],c7);fa f7(c7,sj1,ch1,P[11],c8);fa f8(c8,sk1,ci1,P[12],c9);fa f9(c9,sl1,cj1,P[13],c10);fa f10(c10,sm1,ck1,P[14],c11);endmodule4.half adder module:module ha(input a,input b,output sum,output carry);xor x1(sum,a,b);and a1(carry,a,b);endmodule5.full adder module:module fa(input a,input b,input c,output sum,output carry);wire w1,w2,w3;ha h1(a,b,w1,w2);ha h2(w1,c,sum,w3);or o1(carry,w2,w3);endmodule6.Final module:module final_module(input [7:0] X,input [7:0] Y,output [14:0] P);reg [2:0]a,b,c,d;wire [2:0]sdn1,sdn2,sdn3,sdn4;wire [8:0]p0,p1,p2,p3;wire [14:0]p00;wire [12:0]p01;wire [10:0]p02;always @(X)begina={X[1],X[0],1'b0};b={X[3],X[2],X[1]};c={X[5],X[4],X[3]};d={X[7],X[6],X[5]};endbooth_encode b1(a,sdn1);booth_decoder d1(Y,sdn1,p0);assign p00=p0[8]?{6'b111111,p0}:{6'b000000,p0};booth_encode b2(b,sdn2);booth_decoder d2(Y,sdn2,p1);assign p01=p1[8]?{4'b1111,p1[8:0]}:{4'b0000,p1[8:0]};booth_encode b3(c,sdn3);booth_decoder d3(Y,sdn3,p2);assign p02=p2[8]?{2'b11,p2}:{2'b00,p2};booth_encode b4(d,sdn4);booth_decoder d4(Y,sdn4,p3);csa c1(p00,p01,p02,p3,P);endmodule