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in side of it.

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Q: What is the healthiest part of an orange?
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" What is the healthiest fruit"?

In my opinion, the healthiest fruit is an orange and the second one is an apple.

What is the Healthiest juice between apple orange and grape?

orange juice

What is the most healthiest fruit to eat?

the healthiest fruit is apple,bannana,orange main 3

Which is the healthiest an apple or an orange?

apple because it is vitamin A

What is the healthiest fruit drink?

Orange because it has vitamin C

What are the healthiest an apple an orange an banana?

banana is more better

Which part of an egg is healthiest?

The white.

What is the healthiest drink at McDonalds besides water?

Not soda, that's for sure...maybe orange juice?

What is the best part of the chicken?

well the breast is the healthiest

What part of an apple is healthiest..the skin or the meat?

The skin of an apple is the healthiest, as it contains higher concentrations of nutrients like fiber and antioxidants compared to the flesh. Eating the skin also provides additional health benefits such as aiding digestion and promoting heart health.

What is the healthiest part of owning a pet?

They bring down your blood pressure.

What protein diet plan is the healthiest for a woman trying to lose weight?

The healthiest diet plan for a women that includes protein would be peanuts and oranges. You can eat peanut butter and orange slices twice a day as a snack to help level out your cholesterol intake.