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Q: What is the heavest object that can be lifted?
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it is Rojin for strathmore primary!!!!!!!!!!

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one is water

Can an object which is too heavy on the earth can be lifted easily on the moon how?

the gravity on the moon is far less than on the earth, which means that the object will exert less force downwards on your arms, meaning it is easily lifted.

When an object is lifted 6 feet off the ground it gains a certain amount of potential energy If the same object is lifted 12 feet off the ground its potential energy is?

Double the first potential energy.

What is the term for the force of gravity on an object that needs to be lifted?

This is usually called its weight.

What is the relationship between the effort and the weight of an object being lifted over a simple pulley?

the effort needed to lift an object is about the same as the weight of an object:)

When an object is lifted 12 feet off the ground it gains a certain amount of potential energy. If the same object is lifted 36 feet off the ground its potential energy is .?

3 times the original potential energy

How do you calculate energy input for lifting objects by weight and height lifted?

When an object is lifted to a certain height, the mechanical energy of the person or system lifting the object gets transferred into the potential energy of the object. Thus if an object of mass/weight 'm' is lifted to a height 'h', then the potential energy possed by the object at height 'h' is given as: Potential Energy (P.E)= m*g*h, where g is acceleration due to gravity and whose value is 9.8 m/s2.