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Q: What is the highest continent in the world?
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Which is the world s highest continent?

The highest continent in the world is Antarctica. It has an average elevation of around 7,545 feet (2,300 meters) above sea level, making it the highest continent on Earth.

What is the highest mountain on the African continent?

The highest mountain on the African continent is Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It is also the highest freestanding mountain in the world.

The world's highest mountains are on which continent?


Which continent or region had the highest percentage of the world's population in 1996?

Asia has the highest percentage of the world's population. The next highest is North America and then Europe. Antarctica is the least populated continent.

What continent is home to the highest mountain?

The highest mountain, Mount Everest, is located in Asia, making it the highest-point on the continent.

Which continent has the highest mountain range in the world?


Which continent has the highest mountain?

Asia has the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, which is part of the Himalayan mountain range in Nepal and Tibet.

What continent has the highest population density?

Asia has the highest population density of any continent, with countries like India, Bangladesh, Japan, and South Korea having some of the highest population densities in the world.

About North America?

north America is a highest continent in the world............................

Which continent is the world's highest capital city?

south america

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