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The answer is: The C on the Very Left

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Q: What is the highest note on a piano?
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What is the highest and lowest notes on the piano?

The highest note on a grand piano is the note C. The lowest note on a piano would be D.

What is the highest note of F on a keyboard?

The last note on a piano is an A.

What is the Highest note a harp can play?

Lowest note on the harp is C1, the lowest C on the piano. The highest note is G7, the highest G on the piano.

What is the highest mark in a piano exam?

An A+ which is 100%.

What pitch is the highest pitch in a keyboard?

C7 is the highest note in the most common piano range.

How many dampers does a piano have?

I for each note except for the few highest notes

What instruments use treble clefs and what lowest and highest notes are?

im not sure about other instruments, but i play piano and i know for sure that it has treble clefs. the lowest note is A and the highest note is C. it's different for different pianos. But this is for a grand piano.

The last note on the piano?

The last note on the 88-key piano is an A.

What is the name given to the highest musical note?

The longest musical note still currently in use is the breve, an 8-beat note. This was used mainly in medieval music but now is infrequently encountered. The longest musical note known to mankind was the longa, which lasts twice as long as a breve (16 beats), which is 4 times as long as the generally accepted longest musical note, the semi-breve. However, the longa is no longer used in musical notation.

Instrument covers the full range of all orchestra instruments?

I don't *think* there is one. The contrabassoon I think plays below the range of the piano, and I think the piccolo plays slightly above the highest piano note. Apart from that, you'll be looking at either piano or harp.

What is the highest note overall?

Technically, there is no end to notes, you would just keep adding more and more ledger lines, it's all just a matter of how high you individually can sing/play. The highest note ever sung was a C8, the C that's off the edge of a piano.

The distance between the lowest and highest tones that a voice or instrument can produce is called?

piano piano or pp and ff forty forty is the highest