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It's best to go with your camcorder's own brand of battery. For instance, if you have a Sony camcorder then it's best to get a Sony battery.

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Q: What is the highest rated brand of rechargeable camcorder batteries?
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I have a Kodak camcorder and want to know if I have to have Kodak rechargeable batteries or can I use another brand?

You do not have to use Kodak rechargeable, any brand of the same type of battery should work fine.

Which brand of AA rechargeable batteries are cheapest on Amazon?

Tenergy Centura appears to be the cheapest brand of AA rechargeable batteries on Amazon. Duracell is a close second in this category of rechargeable batteries.

Are there any companies that make rechargeable 9 volt batteries?

Yes they do make 9 volt batteries that are rechargeable. There is the Energizer Recharge, NiMH and the HiTech brand carries 4 types of rechargeable 9 volt batteries.

Can GP rechargeable AA Batteries use in Energizer charger?

If its a NiMH battery then yes. The Energizer charger will charge ANY brand of NiMH rechargeable batteries.

Do hearing aid use rechargeable batteries?

There are many hearing aids that do not use rechargeable batteries. There are a few out there that do, but you need to make sure you are buying a specific brand.

Is there any brand of rechargeable batteries that offer a warranty?

Duracell offers good quality and easy to use rechargeable batteries. There are generic brands of rechargeable batteries out there but they are often unreliable and wear out very quickly.

What is the best brand of rechargeable AA batteries to buy for a laptop mouse?

There are lots of good AA rechargeable size batteries. You can get EverReady or Duracell rechargeable they are safe convenient and cheaper than buying disposables.

How much are AAA rechargeable batteries?

Rechargeable batteries can range anywhere from $9 to $30 depending on the voltage and quantity of batteries. I find Duracell makes the most cost effective purchase for rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries can last you about 2-3 years.

Where can I buy brand new rechargeable batteries?

You can buy new rechargeable batteries from places like the Family Dollar, or Wal-Mart. I know that Lowes, and some grocery stores like Meijer also have them in stock.

How long do you charge brand new AA rechargeable Duracell batteries?

2 hours

Is it really cheaper in the long run to buy rechargeable batteries instead of alkaline?

In a long term, recargebale batteries are cheaper than any brand of one-time batteries on the market.

Are Duracell batteries good to use?

Duracell rechargeable batteries are reliable, but like any brand of batteries, the life will depend on how the batteries are used, maintained, and stored. Rechargeable batteries do not have as long a shelf life as most other batteries, so they do have to be maintained. With proper care the Duracell rechargeable batteries will give you many hours of camera use, but it is always wise to carry extras.