

What is the hole in a tooth?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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cavity is the hole in tooth

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Q: What is the hole in a tooth?
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Related questions

Why do we get a hole in your tooth?

Eroding away of tooth enamel

What is a tiny hole behind the back of a tooth?

i think you are referring to the lingual fossa.

What is it called if you have a hole in your tooth?

"Cary" (one r ) is the real, or, medical, term for a hole in a tooth due to tooth decay. These are commonly referred to as "cavities" however a "cavity" technically can be a hole or depression in anything. A Cary is specifically a hole in a tooth.

What does a hole in a tooth mean?

A hole is a cavity, it means that the tooth is rotten or rotted. If you see a hole it is past time to see the dentist. You should also be brushing more often.

I have a hole in my mouth from my wisdom tooth coming through but now that hole has a white line all around it what does that mean?

If you have a hole in the mouth with a white line around where a tooth use to be mean that you have a tooth coming back in. I would go to the doctor and have them check it out.

What is used to fill a tooth that has a hole?


What is the solution to a hole INSIDE the tooth?

A dentist.

Should your stitches completely cover the hole from your extracted tooth?

Yes, the stitches would cover the hole where your tooth was extracted. This is to help the gums heal without food getting caught in the hole.

A naturally occurring hole in bone or tooth?


What happens if food gets into a tooth extraction hole?

If you get food into a tooth extraction hole, it can cause pain, infection, and decrease the healing time. Your doctor should have given you a syringe that you can use to squirt water into the hole to get any food out.

Define a cavity?

A cavity is a hole which can be in the earth, a tooth, etc.

What is the leongs premolar?

it is a disease where the tooth has a hole and the gum rots