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Q: What is the holiday that celebrates the resurrection of christ?
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Is Easter only a religious festival?

No, Easter is primarily a religious festival that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but it is also observed in a secular manner in many cultures with traditions like egg decorating and egg hunts.

What is the connection between Mother's Day and Easter?

There isn't. Mother's Day celebrates mothers' hard work. Easter celebrates Christ's resurrection.

What does Easter remember?

The Christian holiday of Easter celebrates a proof of the resurrection by the discovery of an empty tomb from which Christ arose. So the resurrection preceded the "first day of the week" which is reported.

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Cornwall Holiday celebrates St. Piran Day. This is a made up holiday for Cornwall. Reasons why he celebrates this holiday are unknown. That is the holiday he celebrates.

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The possessive case of resurrection of Christ is Christ's resurrection.

Does Bethlehem celebrate Christmas on December 25?

Yes, Bethlehem celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and the holiday known as Christmas.

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Why do only Christians celebrate Easter?

Easter is a Christian holiday, which commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Non-Christians do not believe that Christ was resurrected, or that he was in any way a supernatural being, and therefore have no reason to participate in such a holiday.

What event is celebrated in eucharistic mealmass?

The Eucharist Sacrament celebrates the death and resurrection of Christ. "The Mass" is another name given for the worship service of Holy Eucharist.

What are three things that have to do with Easter and religion?

Easter is a holiday that honors the crucifixion, atonement, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is believed to have happened in the Spring.

Is Christmas celebrated in Brazil?

Christmas in Brazil is celebrated on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar. Christmas is one of the most celebrated holiday in the world. It is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Is it bad to celebrate Easter?

It depends on who you're asking. People of Islamic and Jewish faith will think that it is wrong to celebrate Easter, seeing as the holiday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who people of those faiths do not believe is God. However, if you're asking a Christian, he or she will most likely see Easter as a necessary holiday to celebrate. There is no right or wrong answer to your question.