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Q: What is the homograph for a yellow vegetables?
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What is a homograph for to crush and a yellow vegetables?


What is a homograph For crush and a yellow vegetable?

Squash is both a verb meaning "to crush" and a noun referring to one kind of yellow vegetable.Note that not all squash are yellow and not all yellow vegetables are squash.

What is a homograph for to press flat and a yellow vegetable?

The homograph for "to press flat" is "mash," while the yellow vegetable homograph is "squash."

What is a homograph to crush and a yellow vegetable?


What is the homograph for to press flat or a yellow vegetable?

The homograph for "to press flat" and a yellow vegetable is "squash."

What is a homograph for to press flat or a yellow vegetable?


Is dove a homophone or homograph?

it's a homograph

Vegetables that are the color yellow?

Many vegetables are yellow on the outside. For example: yellow beans, several kinds of tomatoes, several kinds of summer squash, and one variety of Swiss chard. Vegetables that are yellow on the inside include: acorn squash, yellow pear tomatoes, and Yukon gold potatoes.

Is 'have' a homograph?

Have is not a homograph.

Is clothes a homograph?

No, "clothes" is not a homograph. Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations, such as "lead" (to guide) and "lead" (a metal). "Clothes" only has one meaning and pronunciation.

Is its a homophone or homograph?


What are the vegetables that start with y?

yellow squash