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Q: What is the homonym for loud?
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Is allowed and out loud homonym?

No. It's allowed, aloud

What country name is a homonym for a word meaning loud moans or howls?

Some people would say that "Wales" is a homonym for "wails", but they would be mistaken. The definition of "homonym", according to Webster's Universal Collegiate Dictionary, is:"a word the same as another in sound and spelling but different in meaning, as chase 'to pursue' and chase 'to ornament metal'. "The word "wail" is defined as "to utter a prolonged, mournful cry", or "loud moans or howls". Although the country name "Wales" and the word "wails" sound the same and have different meanings they are not homonyms, because they are not spelled the same.At this time, there is probably no known English word which would qualify as a homonym for "wails". There may be, however, a country name homonym for a non-English equivalent of "wails".

Is wales name is a homonym for a word meaning loud moans or howls?

Homophones: Wail = mournful cry / Whale = warm blooded animal lives in water

Is filthy a Homonym?

No, "filthy" is not a homonym. Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings, while "filthy" only has one meaning related to being extremely dirty or unclean.

What is the homonym for mourn?

The homonym for "mourning" is "morning".

What is a homonym for grays?

A homonym for "grays" is "greys."

Fall is a example of what homonym?

"Fall" is an example of a homonym because it has multiple meanings. It can refer to the season of autumn as well as the act of descending or dropping to the ground.

What is a homonym for does?

A homonym for doe is dough.

Is there a homonym for metamorphosis?

Yes, the word "metamorphosis" does not have a homonym in the English language. Homonyms are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings, and "metamorphosis" does not have another word with the same pronunciation and different meaning.

What is the homonym for cell?

The homonym is sell

What is the homonym for December?

The homonym for December is dismember, which means to cut off the limbs of a person or animal. It is important to pay attention to context to understand the intended meaning of the word.