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Q: What is the homonyms for the word cheap?
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What is a homophone for the word cheap?

The homonyms of cheap is chepe Chepe Cheap Small

What are hynonyms?

Hynonyms is not a word. The correct word is homonyms. Hynonyms is not a word. The correct word is homonyms. Hynonyms is not a word. The correct word is homonyms.

How many syllables are the word homonyms?

There are three syllables in homonyms.

Homonyms for the word coarse?

Course - a path or route taken Corpse - a dead body Coerce - to persuade someone to do something by using force or threats

What is a homonym for the word dew?

Due and do are homonyms.

What is the homonyms of the word even?

Even has a number of different meanings in English. Check for homonyms to English words.

What is the homonym for the word you?

The homonym for the word "you" is "ewe," which refers to a female sheep. Both words are pronounced the same but have different meanings.

Incorrect word from a pair of homonyms?

There are many incorrect words that can be put into a pair of homonyms. One incorrect pair is home and hone.

What is a homonym for by?

ByeBuyBy All three of these words are homonyms of the word "by."

What is the word that has the same sound as another?

A word that has the same sound as another word is called a homophone. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings or spellings, such as "sea" and "see."

What kind of word are homonyms?

with the same sound but differ spelling

What are the homonyms for the word life?

strife, knife, wife, and etc...