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Q: What is the homophones of work?
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Are kernel and colonel synonyms antonyms or homophones?

"Kernel" and "colonel" are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings. "Kernel" typically refers to the softer, edible part of a seed or nut, while "colonel" is a military rank above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general.

Why would a poet use homophones?

A poet might use homophones to create wordplay, convey multiple meanings, or introduce ambiguity and depth to their work. Homophones can add layers of complexity to a poem, engaging the reader in a playful or thought-provoking manner.

How many homophones relate to there?

The homophones for there are they're and their.

What are homophones for ware?

Homophones for "ware" are "wear" and "where."

What are some homophones for there?

Some homophones for "there" are "their" and "they're."

What are homophones for their?

There are two homophones for "their": there and they're.

Are ear and year homonyms or homophones?

Ear and year are homophones, meaning they are pronounced the same but have different meanings and spellings.

What is the homophones of hello?

The homophones of "hello" are "hallo" and "hullo".

What is the homophones of walk?

The homophones of "walk" are "wok" and "woke."

Are weather and whether homophones?

Yes, weather and whether are homophones. They sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

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What is the homophones for practise?

Practice and practise are homophones.