

What is the hottest and the coldest stars?

Updated: 8/7/2022
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9y ago

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The hottest are specified as type O stars and have temperatures > 30,000 that of our Sun (E.g. Zeta Orionis)

The coldest are specified as type M starts and have temperature < 0.08 that of our Sun (E.g. Betelgeuse)

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What color are the hottest and the coldest stars?

The hottest stars are blue and the coldest stars are red because blue is the color made by hotter burning things and red is the colest burning color.

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The hottest stars are blue and the coldest stars are red because blue is the color made by hotter burning things and red is the colest burning color.

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you cant really tell the temperature of a star but you tell about hot it is by color. blue being the hottest and red being the coldest.

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Yellow stars are the second hottest, Blue stars are the first hottest. Red stars, even though they are they can be the biggest they are the coldest type of star, they are still hot, but not as hot as compared to other stars.

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it depends on the color of the starthe hottest star is color blueand the coldest star is color red

What color are the stars the coldest?

The temperatures of stars are measured by Kelvin. The hottest, colored blue, is around 30,000 Kelvin. In the middle of the scale, colored yellow, is 5,200 -&gt; 6,000 Kelvin. And the coldest, colored blue, at the bottom of the scale is at 0 Kelvin.

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Why mercury called the hottest and the coolest planet?

Because it is has the hottest and coldest temperatures.