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It is difficult to explain the importance of this tool considering it is such a broad term. Personally, I think that body language is the largest step of communication used by humans. It not only allows our emotions to show, but your words to be better understood in a quick fashion.

For example: your having a conversation with your best friend when you realize that you have forgotten the name of the person you are talking about. You use several hand gestures, such as the lifting ofour palm to show height, so that your companion can try to comprehend who you are talking about. Surely body language is not always the most efficient way to communicate, but it is often the primary source of what makes you who you are.

Hope that helped!!!!!!!!
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Q: What is the importance of body language as a nonverbal communication tool?
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How many type of communication?

Visual, verbal, and nonverbal are the three primary kinds of communication. Body language would be an example of nonverbal communication.

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Verbal communication is when you are physically speaking to someone about something. Nonverbal communication is when your words are spoken through your body language.

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Eye contact and body language

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Nonverbal communication is not necessarily "recommended" in a general sense, but rather, it just happens. Nonverbal communication occurs through body language and anything that can be communicated through the body without using verbal language.

What is the technical term for body language?

The technical term for body language is "nonverbal communication." It refers to the use of gestures, facial expressions, posture, and other physical cues to convey messages or emotions without using words.

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What are different examples of nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal communication involves hand gestures, winks of the eye, and nodding. Body language is a big part of nonverbal communication because a person can tell how another person is feeling just by noting how they are standing.