

What is the importance of cleavage?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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13y ago

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Lines of cleavage are of utmost importance to surgeons, because a cut made parallel to a line of cleavage will usually remain closed with only minimal bleeding. Such a cut heals with a minimum of scarring. By contrast, a cut made at a right angle to a cleavage line will be pulled open as cut elastin fibers recoil. This cut will bleed profusely and will produce much scar tissue as it heals.

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17h ago

Cleavage is important in embryonic development as it represents a series of rapid cell divisions that ultimately lead to the formation of a multicellular organism. Cleavage helps to increase the number of cells while maintaining a high surface area to volume ratio, enabling efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products. Additionally, cleavage leads to the formation of different cell layers that eventually give rise to specialized tissues and organs in the developing embryo.

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