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Q: What is the importance of resolution of Pakistan agreed on 23rd march 1940?
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What is historical importance of Lahore resolution?

The famous Lahore Resolution, pointing the way to independent Pakistan, was passed on 23 March 1940in Lahore. this day is celebrateded a national holiday in Pakistan.

When and where was the Pakistan resolution adopted?

The Pakistan Resolution was passed 23 March 1940 at Lahore

When was Pakistan resolution signed?

23 march

When was Pakistan resolution passed?

23 march 1940

When did the Pakistan resolution pass?

23rd march 1947 lahore

When did Pakistan resolution pass?

23rd march 1947 lahore

Why Pakistanis celebrate 23 March?

We celebrate 23rd March because on 23rd March in Lahore minar-e-Pakistanthe resolution was signed that muslimswill have a seperatecountry which was named Pakistan.

Who is the president of America during the resolution of Pakistan?

If you mean the Lahore Resolution of March, 1940, Franklin Roosevelt was the US president.

When did Pakistan resulation passed?

Pakistan resolution was passed on 23rd March 1940. Lahore was the place and it was attended by hundreds of thousands of Muslims of India.

Who drafted Pakistan resolution?

Resolution of Pakistan was passed by all participants of meeting in Minto Park on 23rd of March 1947 . This meeting of Muslim League was presided by Quid e Azam .

What was the rule of the Pakistan resolution in the creation of Pakistan?

On March 23, 1940 Pakistan Resolution was passed which actually gave a direction to the Muslims of Subcontinent to get united in order to get their own homeland where they could practice their religion freely. The main motive behind the Pakistan Resolution was Two Nation Theory according to which Muslim and Hindus are two separate nations with different beliefs and civilizations.

Which session of All India Muslim league was held in Lahore during march 1940?

The session of All India Muslim League held in Lahore during March 1940 is commonly referred to as the Lahore Resolution or the Pakistan Resolution. During this session, the Muslim League passed a resolution demanding the creation of an independent state for Muslims in the regions where they were in a majority in British India. This resolution eventually laid the foundation for the establishment of Pakistan.