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actually they create some spaces in between the particles of the soil so that air can pass in and out through the particles ans thus maintains the fertility of the soil. Ex- Earthworm.

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Q: What is the importance of the organisms found in soil?
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I think this is the answer: Some soil organisms mix the soil and make spaces in it for air and water. Other soil organisms make humus, The material that makes soil fertile.

How do living organisms help soil?

Living organisms provide nutrients for the soil.

Do raw potatoes have salmonella in them?

Raw potatoes can be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella and other disease-causing organisms are found in soil and potatoes are grown in soil.

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Soil colloids have large surface areas which can be used as sights for cation exchange, increasing the soils cation exchange capacity. The higher the cation exchange capacity in a soil, the more the soil is able to retain nutrients because the cations are suspended in the soil and are then able to be used by organisms in the soil.