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Q: What material is found in air water or soil that is harmful to humans or other organisms?
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What is the material found in air water or soil that is harmful to humans or other organisms?

Pollutants are materials found in air, water, or soil that are harmful to humans or other organisms. These can include chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, and biological agents that can cause adverse health effects and environmental damage. Reducing pollutant levels is important for protecting human health and ecosystems.

What are unicellular organisms found everywhere on earth some are harmful while others are helpful?

Bacteria are unicellular organisms found in almost every habitat on Earth. Some bacteria can be harmful, causing diseases in humans, animals, and plants, while others are beneficial, playing roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and aiding digestion in animals.

What other organisms besides in humans is epinephrine found in?

Many other organisms besides humans produce epinephrine. It is found in some plants, insects and mammals.

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Is non-pathogenic dangerous?

Non-pathogenic organisms are not harmful to humans and do not cause disease. Some non-pathogenic bacteria can even be beneficial, such as those found in the gut that aid in digestion.

What organisms can Golgi bodies be found in?

They can be found in an Animal and Plant cell.(humans fall into the animal category)

What is a single celled organisms that can be helpful or harmful contain no nucleus found everywhere on Earth?

Bacteria *facepalm*

Does humans have a hydrostatic skeleton?

Humans have an endoskeleton. Hydrostatic skeletons are found in soft-bodied organisms and ectothermic organisms. Hydrostatic skeletons have an important role locomotion for invertebrates.

Which is a substance that could be found in air water or soil that is harmful to humans or animals?

A pollutant fits that description.

Is there DNA in carrots?

Yes, carrots contain DNA as they are living organisms that have cells with genetic material. DNA provides the instructions for the growth and development of the carrot plant.

What are the harmful effects of Phylum Gastrotricha?

Phylum Gastrotricha includes tiny aquatic animals, and while there are species that can be harmful, there are no direct harmful effects associated with the entire phylum. However, some species within the phylum can be parasitic, meaning they may cause harm to their host organisms. Additionally, certain species can become invasive and disrupt ecosystems, but this is not a general characteristic of the phylum as a whole.

Is Halobacterium salinarum harmful to humans?

No, Halobacterium salinarum is not harmful to humans. It is a type of archaea that is commonly found in highly saline environments like salt flats and salt mines. It does not cause disease in humans and has even been studied for potential biotechnological applications.