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The theory of evolution was developed by Charles Darwin. He sailed on the HMAS Beagle to the Galapagos Islands.

He said that the finches were very similar, but had different beaks. This was probably so they didn't have to compete with other birds for food. They evolved by natural selection. This means that the bird with features best suited to the environment would breed and pass their characteristics on to the next generation. Birds not suited would die. This also happens with bacteria. Bacteria with a natural resistance to antibiotics would survive, breed and pass their genes onto the next generation.

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Q: What is the important concept in Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?
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Charles Darwin

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Which concept is part of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

New generations are better suited to survive than previous generations.

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Evolution is an observed and observable fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains many things about evolution. The theory generates testable hypothesis, as any good theory does. Remember, theory is the highest concept in science.

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Without genetic diversity, natural selection cannot occur

When lions prey on a herd of antelope some antelope are killed and some escape. Which part of Darwins concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?

Survival of the fittest would be used to describe this situation.