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Q: What is the impotance of the temple of Olympian zeus?
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What year was the Temple of Olympian Zeus built?

The temple was built in 834 BCE.

What was the most notable of the corinthian temples in Athens?

The most notable Corinthian temple in Athens was the temple of Olympian Zeus.

Was Zeus a Titan or Olympian?

He was an Olympian.

What is the most famopus thing in Greece?

I'm not about the most famous, but a very popular one is the Temple of Olympian Zeus.

What is the Athens acropolis on the temple called?

There are several including the Parthenon and temples of Haephaistos, Athena Nike, Erectheion, Olympian Zeus.

Why do people call the Parthenon the olympian of Zeus?

Because he was a very fast runner and decided it to be Zeus's Olympian

Who was the messager for Zeus?

Zeus' only messengers were Hermes and Iris. Hermes was the Olympian god of thieves. Iris was the goddess of the rainbow. She is not considered an Olympian.

How big is the temple of Zeus?

It depends on which Temple of Zeus, and where it is.

What ancient Roman ruler stole columns from Athens to build a Roman temple?

Lucius Sulla seized some of the incomplete columns of the partly rebuilt Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens and transported them back to Rome, where they were re-used in the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill..

When did Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrate the Temple?

He sent an Athenian senator to force the Jews to profane the Temple in Jerusalem and dedicate it to Olympian Zeus. He also brought into the Temple things that were forbidden, so that the altar was covered with abominable offerings prohibited by the Torah laws.

What was the height of Zeus temple?

It depends on which temple to Zeus you refer to.

What Olympian means?

Olympian means people who live in Olympus like Zeus,Poseidon and etc.