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Litmus paper

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1mo ago

Litmus paper is an indicator paper that turns blue in the presence of a base. It is used to test the pH of a solution, with blue indicating a basic pH.

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Q: What is the indicator paper that turns blue in base?
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When a base is added to red litmus paper he indicator turns what color?

When a base is added to red litmus paper, the indicator turns blue. This is because red litmus paper is used to indicate acidic conditions, so a base would cause the paper to change color to blue.

Does an acid or a bases turn indicator paper orange?

An acid turns indicator paper red, while a base turns it blue. Orange is not a typical color change associated with the use of indicator paper.

Does a base turn blue litmus paper blue?

No, a base turns blue litmus paper red. Litmus paper is red in acidic solutions and blue in basic solutions.

What turns lithmus blue?

Acids turn litmus blue. Litmus paper is a pH indicator that turns red in the presence of acids and blue in the presence of bases.

A type of indicator paper that is used to text for acids and bases which comes in red strips as well as blue?

Litmus paper is a type of indicator paper that comes in red and blue strips. It turns red in the presence of an acid and blue in the presence of a base.

What indicator that turns red in acid and blue in alkali?

Litmus paper is an indicator that turns red in acidic solutions and blue in alkaline solutions.

What color is litmus acid in a base?

Litmus paper turns blue in a base. Litmus is a pH indicator that changes color depending on the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

How can you safely determine the difference between an acid or a base?

The DIFFERENCE ?! I think you mean distinguish an acid from a base, which needs an indicator, like red cabbage solution(turns yellowish with acid, darker with base) Phenolphtaline(Turns violet with a base) Red/Blue litmus paper(RLP turns blue with a base, and BLP turns red with an acid) and finally a pH meter/paper.

Do a acid or base turns the paper blue?

A base turn the color of the paper in blue.

What color does litmus paper in a base?

Litmus paper turns blue in a base.

What test can you know if it is a acid or base?

You can test whether a substance is an acid or a base using litmus paper. When dipped in the substance, blue litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid, while red litmus paper turns blue in the presence of a base.

What colour does a base turn universal indicator?

A base typically turns universal indicator solution blue or purple.