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Me [me]: Óigame / me dicen que éste es el lugar

[e] as in Italian "essere", to be

a me (Wrong)

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Q: What is the indirect object pronoun of to me in spanish?
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What is the indirect object pronoun in Spanish for tu?

Te is the indirect object pronoun in Spanish for tu.

What is the indirect object pronoun in Spanish for ustedes?

The indirect object pronoun for ustedes is "les".

What does te and té in spanish mean?

"Te" is the object pronoun form of the word "you," or "tú" in Spanish. It can be used both as an indirect object pronoun and a direct object pronoun. "Té" is simply the drink "tea."

What do TE constructs mean in Spanish?

'Te' in Spanish means you. Grammatically, it is either a direct or indirect object pronoun.

Is she an indirect object?

The pronoun 'she' is a subject pronoun; the corresponding object pronoun is 'her'; for example:Mike brought flowers for her. (direct object = flowers; indirect object = her)She likes flowers. (subject of the sentence = she)

Is an indirect object a noun?

Yes, an indirect object is a noun or pronoun that receives the direct object of a verb. It answers the question "to whom" or "for whom" the action is being done.

Function of an object pronoun?

An object pronoun functions as the direct object or indirect object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.

What does an action verb have to do with pronouns?

A pronoun can be the subject of a verb or the object and indirect object of a verb. Example: Subject: He brought his lunch today. (the pronoun he is the subject of the verb brought) Object: Mom brought me today. (the pronoun me is the object of the verb brought) Indirect object: He brought her some flowers. (the pronoun her is the indirect object of the verb brought)

What is a good example of a sentence that uses a pronoun as an indirect object?

Example sentence:I wrote you this sentence. (direct object is 'sentence, indirect object is the personal pronoun 'you')

What is the difference between me and my?

The difference is that me can be either used as a direct object pronoun or an indirect object pronoun. My is a possessive pronoun.

Is Mrs. Smith will loan whomever needs it money for lunch an indirect object?

The correct indirect object in the sentence is "whoeverneeds it", a noun clause.The correct pronoun is "whoever" because the entire noun clause is the indirect object of the sentence, the pronoun "whoever" is the subject of the noun clause.The pronoun "whomever" is an object pronoun.

Does this sentence have an indirect object they gave you a bonus?

yes, because you could be anybody, just yourself. Answer: An indirect object pronoun is "to" or "for" somebody, even if the words "to" and "for" are implied and not stated. "You" is the indirect object pronoun as it is being given "to you".