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Q: What is the informal version of vous avez?
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How do you say informal you have in French?

Tu as. (informal, but doesn't work when plural: you then have to use 'vous avez', which is the formal OR plural version.)

Ask someone their age in french?

(formal) 'Vous avez quel âge' (informal) Tu as quel âge

What is the French phrase 'Vous avez' in English?

"You have" is an English equivalent of the French phrase "Vous avez."Specifically, the personal pronoun "vous" means "(formal singular, informal plural) you." The verb "avez" means "(you) are having, do have, have." The pronunciation is "voo-zah-veh."

How do you say you've in French?

You have is "tu as" (singular AND informal "you"), or "vous avez" (plural OR formal "you") in French.

What is the present form for you have had in french?

present: tu as : you (singular and informal) have vous avez : you (plural or formal) avez you have had is a (past) form of avoir (you have had, but that's finished now): j'avais eu / vous aviez eu

Translate what age are you to french?

Quel âge as-tu? = informal Quel âge avez-vous? = formal

How do you say different types of food in french?

quelles sortes de sandwichs avez-vous ? or (more informal) qu'est-ce que vous avez comme sandwichs ?'

What are the three ways of saying do you have in french?

avez-vous ... ? est-ce ce que vous avez ...? vous avez .... ?

Do you have a bag in French?

Est-ce que tu as un sac (using the informal and singular 'you') - or - Est-ce que vous avez un sac / avez-vous un sac (using the formal or plural 'you')

How old are you in France?

To say, "How old are you?" in French, you would use the expression, "Quel âge as-tu?" or "Quel âge avez-vous?" The first expression is the the singular, informal version, and the second expression is the singular, formal/plural version.

What is 'do you have' in French?

"as-tu" (2nd pers. sing., informal), "avez-vous" (2nd pers. sing., formal, or plur.)

In French what does avez-vous mean?

Do you have? Avez-vous une voiture? Do you have a car?