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It inserts onto the 5th metatarsal from the distal fibula

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Q: What is the insertion of the fibularis tertius muscle?
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Which muscles cause eversion of the foot?

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Muscle is responsible for keeping your toes from dragging when walking?

A and P? Answer is fibularis tertius

What is the insertion of the peroneus tertius muscle?

The base of the fifth metatarsal

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The antagonist to the gastroc and soleus muscles is a combination of muscles, primarily the tibialis anterior and fibularis (peroneus) tertius.

What muscle is responsible for keeping your toes from dragging when walking?

extensor hallicus longus i had this same problem in my a and p class and the actual answer is fibularis tertius

What muscles evert the foot?

Peroneus (fibularis) longus muscle and Peroneus (fibularis) brevis muscle

How does the action of the fibularis longus in humans differ from tha of the fibularis tertius?

Inserts on the dorsum of the fifth metatarsal. When it contracts it dorsiflexes and everts the foot