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6.8 X 10^-5 M/s

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6h ago

The instantaneous rate of a reaction at t=800 seconds can be determined by calculating the slope of the tangent line to the concentration-time curve at that specific point in time. This slope represents the rate of the reaction at that moment, giving you the instantaneous rate at t=800 seconds.

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Q: What is the instantaneous rate of the reaction at t equals 800 seconds?
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How can the rate law for a a chemical reaction be used to determine an instantaneous reaction rate?

The rate law for a chemical reaction expresses how the rate of the reaction depends on the concentration of reactants. By plugging in the instantaneous concentrations of the reactants into the rate law equation, we can calculate the instantaneous reaction rate at a specific moment in time.

A first order reaction is found to have a rate constant t k equals .0000739 find the half life of this reaction?

To solve for the half-life of a first-order reaction, you can use the equation t1/2 = 0.693/k, where k is the rate constant. Plugging in the given rate constant of 0.0000739, you get t1/2 = 0.693 / 0.0000739 = 9376.63 seconds. Therefore, the half-life of this reaction is approximately 9376.63 seconds.

The decomposition reaction of ammonia gas on platinum surface has a rate constant k equals 2.510-4 mol l-1s-1 what is the order of the reaction?

The rate constant is not indicative of the order of the reaction. To determine the order of the reaction, experimental data (such as concentration vs. rate data) is needed. The order of the reaction can be found by examining how changes in reactant concentrations affect the rate of the reaction.

What describes a reaction that reaches equilibrium?

The product and reactants reach a final, unchanging level.

What effect does the concentration of reactants have on the the rate of a reaction?

The effect of concentration of reactants on rate of reaction depends on the ORDER of the reaction. For many reactions, as the concentration of reactants increases, the rate of reaction increases. There are exceptions however, for example a zero order reaction where the rate of reaction does not change with a change in the concentration of a reactant.

Related questions

What is the instantaneous rate of the reaction at t equals 800. seconds?

6.8 X 10^-5 M/s

How can the rate law for a a chemical reaction be used to determine an instantaneous reaction rate?

The rate law for a chemical reaction expresses how the rate of the reaction depends on the concentration of reactants. By plugging in the instantaneous concentrations of the reactants into the rate law equation, we can calculate the instantaneous reaction rate at a specific moment in time.

What is a reaction in a balancing equation?

When an equation is balanced, the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction.

Chemical equilibrium results if?

Chemical equilibrium results if the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, leading to a balanced state where the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time. This occurs when the system reaches a point where the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, allowing for a dynamic but stable state.

How do you work out the rate of reaction when your independent variable is pH and your timing in seconds?

It is irrelevant what the independent variable is, whenever you work out rate of reaction you also divide 1 by the time in seconds. For example if it took 100 seconds your rate would be 0.01s-1.

What describes a reaction that reaches equilibrium?

The product and reactants reach a final, unchanging level.

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What are the two kinds of equilibrium?

The two kinds of equilibrium are static equilibrium, where an object is at rest with no linear or angular acceleration, and dynamic equilibrium, where an object is moving at a constant velocity with no linear or angular acceleration.

The rate of change in position at a given point in time?

The rate of change in position at a given point in time is instantaneous speed, instantaneous velocity.

A first order reaction is found to have a rate constant t k equals .0000739 find the half life of this reaction?

To solve for the half-life of a first-order reaction, you can use the equation t1/2 = 0.693/k, where k is the rate constant. Plugging in the given rate constant of 0.0000739, you get t1/2 = 0.693 / 0.0000739 = 9376.63 seconds. Therefore, the half-life of this reaction is approximately 9376.63 seconds.

What would happen to the rate of a reaction with rate law rate equals k NO 2 H2 if the concentration of NO were halved?

It will decrease by half.

What is the rate of change in a position at a given point in time?

The rate of change in position at a given point in time is instantaneous speed, instantaneous velocity.