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Q: What is the intensity of a sensation is determined by what?
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How is intensity determined in neural firing?

Intensity is determined by the frequency of action potentials. The higher the intensity, the higher the frequently.

How does amplitude affect the loudness of a sound?

it is how loud the sound is ^Smartass comment. The real answer: Loudness is determined by the intensity of sound waves.

What machine is used to determine the intensity a tornado?

No machine is used. The intensity of a tornado is determined by a visual survey of the damage.

What two factors determine the intensity of sound?

The intensity of a sound is determined by the rate and density of energy transfer. The larger the amplitude, the greater the intensity, and the louder the sound.

What two factors determines the intensity of a sound?

The intensity of a sound is determined by the rate and density of energy transfer. The larger the amplitude, the greater the intensity, and the louder the sound.

What gives a sound wave its pitch and intensity?

A sound wave's pitch is determined by its frequency; that is its cycles per unit of time. The sound wave's intensity or volume is determined by its amplitude; the maximum crest of a sound wave.

The loudness of a sound wave is determined by its?

By its amplitude. Really loudness is sound intensity & intensity depends on square of amplitude ie. higher the amplitude higher the intensity which means higher the loudness.

How loud a sound seems is determined by what measurement of the sound waves?

Loudness is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves.

Why do you get a burning sensation in your muscles during strenuous exercise?

When you use your muscles they produce waste. One of those wastes are lactic acid. Working out with a moderate intensity will let the blood flow carry those wastes away and you never notice them. Working out on a high intensity and waste will accumulate in the tissue and give that burning sensation.

Is it true that The minimum intensity of physical stimulation required to produce any sensation at all in a person is the just noticeable threshold?


How Doppler radar can be used to measure the intensity of precipitation?

forecaster might determined by the colour code

Which wave characteristic is affected by the loudness or the intensity of sound?

Amplitude. (In the particle theory of light, brightness is determined by the number of photons).