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Q: What is the internal shell found on squid called?
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What is the internal shell found on a squid called?

the pen

Do squid have an exo- skeleton?

No. Squid have a vestigial, or highly reduced, internal feather-shaped shell called a "pen".

What is another name for the internal shell of a squid?


What is a cephalopod that has no shell?

A octopus is a cephalopod that has no shell. Also squid have internal shells that are not used for protection.

What is the name of a terrestrial mollusc without shell?

Of the 100,000 different species of mollusk, a good many of them do, but some don't. Mollusca also includes the squid, the octopus and the slug. The first two have an internal structure that might be called an "internal shell" or the like. It should be noted that they completely decompose leaving only their beak. Slugs don't have shells or "hard" internal structures of any kind. A link can be found below to review the different creatures that are members of this phylum.

What is a squid's shell called?

at the bottom of the ocean -- You can find squid most anywhere, including the shallows, depending on the species. --

What is the function of the squid's pen?

The pen is a feather-shaped internal structure that supports the squid's mantle and serves as a site for muscle attachment. It is made of a chitin-like substance. It is the remnant of the squid's shell, so it is a vestigial structure.

Why does a squid need a shell?

no a squid does not have a shell

Where is the squids shell?

Their ancestors had internal shells, but now all the squid has left is a chitin-like substance called a "pen," and is used as a flexible back bone.

What mollusk has no shell?

Every mollusk except slugs, which have evolved to not need a shell, has a shell. Snails, clams and other bivalves have an external shell. Octopi, squid and cuttlefish have an internal shell.

What is the name given to a spiral shell?

Spiral seashells are called nautilus shells. These types of shells can be found on a squid or octopus and are very hard.

What is a squid spine made of?

Squids are invertebrates, therefore they do not have spines. An earlier form of the squid had a shell, but this is obviously no longer present. However, a structure called the pen remains, part of the old shell. This is what helps the squid to maintain its structure.