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Q: What is the interrelationship among sectors within the industry and benefits to derise?
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When is derise coming out on the iPod touch zombies?

It's already out. :)

What does derise mean?

It means contempt; ridicule, for example: "The criminal had nothing but derision for the law."

Is there derise on hardend addition black ops?

Yes there is I am trying to find out when they release it for everyone to play so if you find out le us know pleas :oD

Can you upgrade a gun in derise nazie zombies twice?

yes this is actually very easy though has an additional price of 1,000. what you do is when you have your third weapon you take out your bouncy bettys (don't set them) after you have upraded it. you then get your weapon with the bouncy bettys out giving you a upgraded third weapon if you did not know to get a third weapon go to the pack a punch machine and insert your weapon then head over to the kar and get it for your old weapon(you should only have 1) now go grab your other weapon and wow you have 3 weapons (this is the easiest way............) theres another involving the random box and dyeing though i have never been successful with this one. i havent tried the other one though that's how my friend told mme to do it :) =) XD :p (faces lol)

Is a 2.58 GPA good?

Great question! It really depends on your major and your school. I work with applicants for graduate medical programs on a daily basis, and reviewing GPAs is a regular part of my job. When reviewing applicants for acceptence I'm not impressed by an applicant who majored in Communications, and has a GPA of 2.58 if they attended a nationally accredited school. Nationally accredited schools have lower standards, in fact their standards are so low that their credits rarely transfer to other schools -even to other nationally accredited schools. And Communications along with a number of other majors may be difficult to some students, but to most they're very easy to succeed in. But if a 2.58 GPA is from an applicant majoring in any of the sciences, and was earned at a regionally accredited school then I can respect it because regionally accreditation is a higher standard, and the science majors are more difficult. So, I might venture to consider it a good GPA in some instances. Still, I don't think I'd ever refer to it as a great GPA. It doesn't even qualify as a B average. Good luck. And thank you, Eric DeRise