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Abiotic and biotic components influence each other. For instance, temperature (abiotic factor) can make plants (biotic factor) reproduce more or reproduce less. Also water, an abiotic factor, has an effect on how animals, a biotic factor, survive in certain areas of the world. In Africa, for instance, the migratory patterns of most herbivores are based where water is the most plentiful. When the dry season comes, the animals must move to where the food and water are most abundant. (Some of this behavior also comes from instinct.)

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14y ago

Abiotic factors such as water effect the biotic factors such as humans and plants because living things need abiotic factors 2 live. Also, abiotic factors can kill us, like natural disasters and stuff

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12y ago

the abiotic and biotic is related because If one factor is changed or removed, it impacts the availability of other resources within the system.

If a single factor is changed, perhaps by pollution or natural phenomenon, the whole system could be altered. For example, humans can alter environments through farming or irrigating. While we usually cannot see what we are doing to various ecosytems, the impact is being felt all over. For example, acid rain in certain regions has resulted in the decline of fish population.

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12y ago

because they can some time eat the biotic factor (depends on the size) and one of the factors might be able to live in the other factors abandond home.

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the soil will grow the plants

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Q: How do biotic and abiotic factors interact?
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How do abiotic and biotic things interact in their environment?

Biotic factors are living things and abiotic factors are non-living things. They interact in that living things depend on non-living things to survive. One example of them interacting is when the sun (abiotic) helps make foods for the plants (biotic).

Abiotic and biotic factors can interact together or independently?

True : ) hope that helps.

What are the two types of factors that an ecosystem has?

2 factors are abiotic and biotic factors. Abiotic factors are nonliving things and biotic factors are living things

Are algae abiotic factors or biotic factors?

All living things are biotic factors.

What is formed when biotic factors and abiotic interact?

I'll just use an example. A biotic animal(such as a deer) drinks the abiotic substance water to survive. -hayl95

What are the abiotic and biotic factors of the boreal forest?

Biotic Factors : Stuff abiotic : Rocks

Are producers abiotic factors or biotic factors?

Producers are biotic factors

How do abiotic and biotic factors interact in an ecosystem?

Abiotic and biotic factors interact directly in an ecosystem to keep it alive. This is the interaction of living things and non living things with a good example being organisms using water which is essential to life but has no life.

Biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems do not interact?

false, they do interact

What does the term intraction between biotic and abiotic factors means explain?

The interaction between biotic and abiotic factors refers to the relationship and influence between living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components in an ecosystem. Biotic factors include organisms, such as plants and animals, while abiotic factors include physical factors like temperature, sunlight, and water. These factors interact and have a reciprocal effect on each other, shaping the structure and function of an ecosystem. Examples include how temperature affects the behavior and survival of organisms, or how plants rely on sunlight for photosynthesis.

Is a desert abiotic or biotic?

A desert is a mixture of both biotic and abiotic factors. Soil, sand, rock, water, air and light are abiotic while plants and animals are biotic.