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A evaporator

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Q: What is the invention that uses liquids that are very cold and absorb heat?
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Which invention uses liquids that are very cold and absorb heat?

Cold packs, for bruises are one invention.

What invention uses liquids that are very cold and absorb heat?


What invention uses cold liquids and absorbs heat?

conduction i think

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Are jeans warmer than sweatpants?

jeans absorb liquids, such as water, soda, etc.. ice cold water can be absorbed by jeans but no, jeans do not absorb the cold air itself, jeans are cotton, which help hold heat, but not cold. I hope this answers your question. No, jeans don't absorb cold.

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by inhibiting heat conduction

Does land absorb heat?

yes the ground takes in heat and cold

What is the job of a thermos?

To keep hot liquids hot and cold liquids cold by minimizing heat transfer between the inside of the thermos with the outside.

Can a heat is absorbed by cold bodies?

NO because heat of cooler body is already low it is expected that it will absorb heat

What is the envention that uses liquids that are very cold and obsorbs heat?


Does cold absorb heat?

Sort of. In terms of physics, technically there is no such thing as cold. There is only heat, which is than measured on a scale to show how much heat is present. Heat will always transfer to something that has less heat than its present location. So technically no, cold does not absorb heat because cold is a perspective and not something that actually exists.. However, things that have less heat do absorb heat from things with more heat than itself. Cold is an abstract non physics word used to describe things with small amounts of heat, while in reality there is technically at least some measurable amount of heat if compared to true absolute 0 heat.