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not to sure tho

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Mark Greenholt

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2y ago
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2w ago

The inward force of the sun on the planets is due to gravity. This force keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and is responsible for maintaining the balance between the inward gravitational force and the outward centrifugal force to keep the planets in motion.

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11y ago

The force of gravity.

Comment: Yes, but "centrifugal force" isn't quite the right scientific term, of course.

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12y ago

The Gravitational Pull

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14y ago


not to sure tho

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11y ago

Gravity helps keep the planets in place.

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Q: What is the inward force of the sun on the planets?
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No they are pulled in to the Sun by the Sun's gravity. Their sideways movement means that this inward pull causes an orbit of the Sun.

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The question probably means "What keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun?" The answer to that is : The Sun's gravitational attraction provides the force needed to keep the planets in orbit. This force doesn't pull the planets any closer to the Sun, but it stops the planets moving away (at a tangent to their orbits) due to their own velocities.

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Location, location, location. Inner planets = Mars and inward (towards the sun); outer planets = Jupiter and outward (away from the sun).

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Like all other planets and other objects in the solar system, including you, Venus is kept in orbit by the Sun's gravity, which is exacty balanced by its acceleration towards the Sun, which appears as a continuous inward curve towards the Sun.

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The Sun.

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gravitational force

Where does force needed to keep planets orbiting the sun come from?

The force is provided by the Sun's gravitational attraction.

Why do all the planets orbit the sun?

Not all the planets orbit the sun - other stars have planets too. But all the planets in our solar system, which is the system of our sun, revolve around the sun; otherwise they would be in other solar systems. All the planets we can see with our naked eye orbit the sun, since the planets orbiting the sun are the only ones close enough to earth to see without a telescope.

What keeps the planets in the Sun's orbit?

Gravitational force, combined with the velocities of the planets. The force from the Sun is pulling the planets toward it, but the velocity of each planet is acting against this. The result is that the planets orbit the Sun. (The question is a bit mixed up, but it seems obvious what it's about.)