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Ship-Trap Island. I got this right out of the story.

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Q: What is the island name in The Most Dangerous Game?
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In the 1931 movie The Most Dangerous Game what is the name of the island?

Im pretty sure the name of the island in the movie is Ship-Trap Island

What is the name of the island in the dangerous game?

The name of the island is 'Ship-Wreck Island'

What was the first name of the person who wrote The Most Dangerous Game?

The short story titled 'The Most Dangerous Game' was written by Richard Connell. The novel was written by Gavin Lyall.

What was the name of the award of The Most Dangerous Game won the year it was published?

O.Henry award

What is the general's name in The Most Dangerous Game?

Obviously his name was General Zaroff. There was also Sanger Rainsford who is the protagonist

What was the name of the award The Most dangerous Game won the year it was poblished?

"The Most Dangerous Game" won the O. Henry Memorial Award for short fiction in 1923 when it was published.

Where is ship trap island located?

Ship Trap island is located in the blood-warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, in Central America. Ship Trap island is a fictional island that is featured in the store 'The Most Dangerous Game'. It was given the name 'Ship Trap' for their is a channel, near the island, lined with jagged rocks, which trap many ships.

Which of the following excerpts from The Most Dangerous Game is not an example of foreshadowing?

The excerpt "The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island'" is not an example of foreshadowing because it provides direct information about the island's name and does not hint at any future events or outcomes.

What is the rising action in The Most Dangerous Game?

The rising action in "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell includes the protagonist, Rainsford, being hunted by General Zaroff on Ship-Trap Island. As Rainsford navigates the dangerous terrain and evades capture, tension builds as he faces increasingly challenging obstacles and traps set by Zaroff. This culminates in a suspenseful confrontation between the two characters.

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Its name is Big Island believe it or not.

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i don't know but i has a a movie name game rai game rak they said there a min island