

What is the job of the court of justice?

Updated: 2/21/2023
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Q: What is the job of the court of justice?
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John Marshall was the 45, not 44, year old distant cousin of Thomas Jefferson who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and radically changed the job of the Supreme Court.

A court of justice is called?

A court of justice is called a Bureaucracy.A court of justice basically offers judgement on the cases that is before it.

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He was in supreme court justice byebye my real name is ben Moore

What age requirement for the supreme court justice?

There are no explicit requirements in the U.S. Constitution for a person to be nominated to become a Supreme Court justice. No age, education, job experience, or citizenship rules exist. In fact, according to the Constitution, a Supreme Court justice does not need to even have a law degree.

A US Supreme Court Justice should keep his or her job for the rest of his orher life explain?

yes i think they should because if they could win to get in the supreme court justice then they should have the advantage to stay in there

What is definition of justice?

Justice is a concept of moral rightness. For example in a court case usually it is the juries job to bring justice to the victim by making sure the proper person is charged for the crime.

What is Sonia Sotomayor's job title?

Sonia Sotomayor's official title is Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; however, the associate justices are simply addressed to as "Justice," as in Justice Sotomayor.

When was International Court of Justice created?

International Court of Justice was created in 1945.

What is an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court?

Associate Justice is the formal title for any US Supreme Court justice who is not the Chief Justice. There are eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice on the Supreme Court.