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Q: What is the karyotype for fragile X?
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Does fragile X get worse?

No, fragile x syndrome is not progressive

Why is karyotype called 45xo?

This particular karyotype has 45 chromosomes (instead of the usual 46). "XO" tells us that the karyotype is missing a sex chromosome: the individual has an X, but no homologous sex chromosome (X or Y) to complete the diploid pair.

Where on the X chromosome does Fragile X take place?

Fragile X is a result of a mutation in the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome.

Who karyotype is a scientists looking at when he see X and Y?

A biological male.

What is the name of the chart used to determine a person's sex?

It is called a karyotype. If it shows two X chromosomes, the person is a female; if it shows one X and one Y chromosome, the person is a male.

What cause fragile X syndrome?

The fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutation of the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome.

Does your karyotype represent a male of a female?

The question is not really clear. A karyotype is the overall complement of chromosomes isolated from a cell or organism (eukaryotic). When the karyotype of a normal healthy female is prepared for viewing by a cytogeneticist, there are 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes present (ie two of chromosome 1, two of chromosome 2 etc...). There is one additional pair of sex chromosomes (two copies of X). A normal healthy human male also has 22 pairs of autosomes but the pair of sex chromosomes is not matched but instead there is one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (which is smaller than the X). So, if you look at a karyotype that has been laid out - if the two sex chromosomes are different sizes (X and Y) then the karyotype is from a male, if however they are the same size (X and X) then the karyotype is from a female.

What is the chart of chromosomes called?

A karyotype.

Which methods will easily identify a person with X Y Y chromosomes?

A karyotype will do that.

Is fragile x bad?


A visual display of the chromosomes of a person arranged by size shape and patterns of banding is called?

A karyotype is a visual display of the chromosomes arrangeed by size, shape, and banding pattern.

What is the life expectancy of a person with fragile x syndrome?

Early diagnosis and intensive intervention offer the best prognosis for individuals with fragile X syndrome. Adults with fragile X syndrome may benefit from vocational training and may need to live in a supervised setting. Life span is typically normal