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V2=U2+ 2AS

S=UT +1/2(A)T2

S=VT - 1/2(A)T2 (sorry the thing is playing up, that's T squared)

Where V is final speed, U is initial speed, S is distance and T is time

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Q: What is the kinematic equations of acceleration?
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Related questions

Should acceleration be constant?

Acceleration must be constant to use kinematic equations. Acceleration need not be constant if working with energy.

Is the kinematics equations true if acceleration is not uniform?

The answer is "No". If acceleration changes, forces of inertia should be taken to consideration. It requires dynamic equations of motion. However, if acceleration changes are not significant, you may continue using kinematics. To check if kinematic solution is within required precision limits you need to compare the solution of kinematic and dynamic equations and decide if kinematic solution is good enough.

How do you calcualte acceleration?

use a kinematic equation or F = MA

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Do the kinematic equations apply at the speed of light?

it not possibl that the eq of kinetic is 1/2 mv2

What is rotational kinematics?

Rotational kinematics is the same as linear kinematics but with objects in rotation. All of the linear kinematic equations that you learn for velocity and acceleration can be applied to rotational kinematics except that the greek w (omega) is used for velocity and the greek a (alpha) is used for acceleration.

Is the kinematics equation true if acceleration is not constant?

Kinematics does not require constant acceleration. There are different equations for different situations. So some of the equations will be valid even when the acceleration is not constant.

What does the a represent in physics equations?

"a" can represent (normally) acceleration.

What is meant by kinematic equation of motion?

Simply put, kinematics is really just physics without forces or masses. That is, you deal with velocities, accelerations, time, etc. So a kinematic equation will have those variables.The kinematic equation of motion could be any of the four equations I list, or any variation of them (they can be rewritten in a number of ways):let d = distance, v = velocity, i = initial velocity, a = acceleration, t = timev = i + atd = it + (1/2)t2v2 = i2 + 2add = (1/2)(i + v)tThe equations describe the motion, whether it describing it's acceleration, velocity, distance traveled along a certain axis, all with respect to time.

Equation for average acceleration?

There are various equations that involve acceleration; the simplest one is the definition of acceleration: acceleration = (change of velocity) / time.

Why does a body need uniform acceleration?

From a kinematic perspective, whenever an object's velocity changes at a constant rate it is in uniform acceleration.From a dynamic perspective, whenever the net force on an object is constant the object will undergo uniform acceleration.

What are the three equations for force?

F = m * a i.e. Force = mass * acceleration