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That is called a valley

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Raju Maharjan

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Q: What is the land between two hill slopes called?
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What is a high rocky land higher than a hill?

A high rocky land higher than a hill is typically called a mountain. Mountains are characterized by their prominent height and steep slopes, with rocky terrain that can vary in size and shape.

What is a raised mound of land called?

A raised mound of land is called a hill.

What is a high land which is less massive than a mountain?

A high land which is less massive than a mountain is typically called a hill. Hills are elevated landforms with lower elevation and shorter height compared to mountains. They are characterized by gentle slopes and can be found in various landscapes around the world.

Land masses that are higher than hills?

Mountains are land masses that are higher than hills. They are typically characterized by steep slopes and a summit.

In terrain with steep hill slopes which crop and cultivation technique will minimize soil erosion?

Planting cover crops, using contour plowing, and creating terraces are effective techniques to minimize soil erosion on steep hill slopes. Additionally, using mulch, practicing agroforestry, and incorporating sustainable land management practices can help to stabilize the soil and reduce erosion.

A land mass that is higher than a hill?

A land mass higher than a hill is typically referred to as a mountain. Mountains are characterized by their significant height compared to surrounding land, with steep slopes and peaks. They are formed through geological processes like tectonic activity or volcanic eruptions.

What is a rounded elevated area of land smaller than a mountain called?

A rounded elevated area of land smaller than a mountain is called a hill.

What is a mud slide?

mud slide is same as land slide when there is heavy rain in mountain region mud gets wet & slides down the hill slopes

How do the slopes of land affect the temperature of the land?

This is something

What is an elevated piece of land?

An elevated piece of land is a raised area above the surrounding terrain, such as a hill, mountain, or plateau. It typically offers a higher vantage point and may have steep slopes or cliffs.

What rises above surrounding land and is smaller and less rugged than a mountain?

A hill rises above surrounding land and is smaller and less rugged than a mountain. Hills are characterized by lower elevations and gentler slopes compared to mountains.

A shape or type of land such as a ountain or hill is called?
