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Dutch. Originally, a naval vessel for hunting down pirates.

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Q: What is the language of origin for the word yacht?
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Where is the origin of the word yacht?

the origin for the wofr yacht is money

What language did the word yacht come from?

It came from Dutch

Which country does the word yacht come from?

yacht comes from plum but no one knows the language at all.

Is yacht a French word?

No, the word yacht is actually of Dutch origin. It is derived from the Dutch jacht (a shortened version of jachtschip) meaning "hunting ship".

What language did yacht originate from?

Origin: 1550-60; < early German jaght, short for jaghtschip

How did the word yacht become part of the English language?

it came from the french word yatch&eacute;t

How do you spell yaut?

The word &quot;yaut&quot; is not a recognized word in the English language, so there is no correct way to spell it. It could be a misspelling or a made-up word. Can you provide more context or information about its meaning or origin?

What is the origin language on words?

The origin language of words can vary depending on the specific word. Words come from a variety of languages such as Latin, Greek, French, and German, among others. Language evolves over time as cultures interact and influence each other through trade, conquest, and migration.

Which language did the word yacht come from?

The word &quot;yacht&quot; is derived from the Dutch word &quot;jacht,&quot; meaning &quot;a hunting vessel.&quot;

What language is the origin of the word sputnik?

The word &quot;sputnik&quot; comes from Russian, meaning &quot;satellite&quot; or &quot;companion.&quot; It was famously used to name the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.

What is the origin of the yacht?


What language is the origin of the word pemmican?

The Cree (Algonquian) language is the origin. See the link.