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Q: What is the largest amount of carbon stored on earth?
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What is the major reservoir of carbon on earth?

The ocean is the largest reservoir of carbon on earth.

What are two of the largest carbon sinks on the earth?

The two largest carbon sinks on the earth are oceans and soil.Also forests can be mentioned .Carbon dioxide is emitted and taken away by plants .

Which is one of the largest carbon reservoirs on earth?


Which is the largest sink of carbon dioxide on earth?


Where is the largest reservoir of carbon located on earth?

In the oceans

What elements is stored in Earth in buried animal and plant remains?

It's carbon. The carbon cycle is the process in which carbon atoms are recycled over and over again on Earth.

How do plants on earth affect the amount of carbon in earth's atmosphere?

It can regulate carbon because plants need it to live.

What is the largest carbon store found on earth?

The abundance of plants and the fact that they take in so much Carbon Dioxide for photosynthesis makes plants a major reservoir for carbon. Sedimentary rock comprises the largest single reservoir in the carbon cycle. The world's oceans are the second-largest reservoir in the carbon cycle.

What is the carbon footprint of a rocket?

The carbon footprint of a rocket is the amount of carbon emission it leaves behind. It is the impact it has on the Earth.

What planet with the greatest amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere?


Where is most of the carbon on earth stored?

carbon is most abundant in all earths bodies of water (approx 36,000 gigatonnes) compared with the biosphere (1,900 gigatonnes), hydrocarbons (1050 gigatonnes) and the atmosphere (810 gigatonnes), plus other smaller sources but generally water contains the most carbon.