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a rainforest elephant

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Q: What is the largest animal in rainforest?
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What is the largest animal that lives in the rainforest?

The largest animal that lives in the rainforest is the African forest elephant. They can grow up to 10 feet tall and weigh as much as 6,350 kg (14,000 pounds).

Where are the largest rainforest?

The largest rainforest is in the Amazon Jungle in South America.

What animal from the rainforest eats wombats?

No animal from the rainforest eats wombats, as wombats do not live in the rainforest.

What is the largest rainforest in the word?

the amazon rainforest

What is the largest forest in Honduras?

The largest rainforest in Honduras is la masquita.

Where can you find a rainforest in the US?

The largest rainforest in the US is the Hoh Rainforest in Olympic National Park, located in the state of Washington. It receives high levels of precipitation and supports a diverse range of plant and animal species typical of a temperate rainforest ecosystem.

Which is the world's largest tropical rainforest?

The Amazon Rainforest

What in Brazil is the world's largest?

The Amazon Rainforest [Floresta Amazonia] is the largest rainforest in the world. About 60 percent of the rainforest is within Brazil's borders. The rainforest also is the world's most biologically diverse rainforest.

Is amazon rainforest tropical rainforest?

Of course. It`s the largest tropical rainforest on Earth.

What the most popular animal in the Amazon rainforest?

The sloth is the most popular animal in the amazon rainforest.

What is an example of a large ecosystem?

The Amazon Rainforest is an example of a large ecosystem. It is the world's largest tropical rainforest, covering 5.5 million square kilometers and is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species.

What is a animal of the rainforest that starts with the letter Q?

The quetzal bird is a rainforest animal. It starts with the letter Q.