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the answer is the pelvis

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Q: What is the largest bone in the hip bone?
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What is the largest bone in the hip bones?

the answer is the pelvis

What is human largest bone?

The femur - the thigh bone from the hip to the knee.

What is the largest bone in the human body The shin bone or the thigh bone or the hip bone?

thigh bone

What is the largest bone of your body it starts with the letter b?

The femur bone is the largest bone in the human body. It extends from the hip to the knee.

Where is largest bones located?

Assuming you are referring to the human body, the largest bone is the humerus, which is the bone in your leg that joins from your hip to your knee.

Is the Pelvic bone massively large?

Yes. I belive it is the second or third largest bone in the body, thigh bone and maybe skull come first. it stretches from hip to hip.

What would the femur be?

The femur is the largest bone in the body; it's your "thigh bone", above the knee attaching to the hip.

What is the largest bone in the human body called and where is it find?

The largest bone in the human body is called the femur. It is located in the upper leg, between the knee and the hip joints.

What is the tallest bone in the human body?

The femur, or thigh bone, is the tallest bone in the human body. It is the largest and strongest bone in the body, extending from the hip to the knee.

What is the common name for the ilium?

Hip bone.

Which is the longest bone in the human skeleton?

The largest bone in the human skeleton is the femur. The femur is the bone that is located in the thigh and runs from the hip to the knee.

Hip bone that flares?

ilium bone is the flaring part of the hip bone.