

What is the largest city in Turkmenistan?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the largest city in Turkmenistan?
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Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan in central Asia. Tashkent is the capital and largest city of Uzbekistan. It is located in northeastern Uzbekistan near Uzbekistan's border with Kakakstan.

What is the capital city of turkemenistan?

Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan in Central Asia.

What is the capital city of turkimenistan?

Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan in Central Asia.

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Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan in Central Asia.

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Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan in Central Asia.

What is the capital of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan?

Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan in central Asia. Tashkent is the capital and largest city of Uzbekistan. It is located in northeastern Uzbekistan near Uzbekistan's border with Kakakstan.

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Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan in Central Asia.

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Ashgabat is the capital city of Turkmenistan.

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"Central Asia" is a region comprised of several separate, independent nations, each of which has its own capital. There is no capital for the region as a whole, because there is no government for the region as a whole.

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Ashgabat is the capital of which country?

Ashgabat is the capital city of Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country on the Caspian Sea. It is also the largest city of the country, with a population of 909 000 as of 2009.