

What is the largest ethnic minority populations in the US?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is the largest ethnic minority populations in the US?
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What group is the largest racial minority in the us?

African-Americans 12-14% is the largest racial minority, though Hispanics are largest ethnic minority, being Hispanic is not a race. It just refers to the those who are from one the former Spanish colonies.

What is largest minority in US?

The largest minority group in the United States is Hispanic or Latino, comprising about 18.5% of the population.

What racial group is the largest minority in the US?

African-Americans 12-14% is the largest racial minority, though Hispanics are largest ethnic minority, being Hispanic is not a race. It just refers to the those who are from one the former Spanish colonies.

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New York City is the largest city in the US.

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Hispanic/Latino is the second largest ethnic group in the United States, comprising about 18% of the population.

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What are the 2 largest ethnic groups in the us?

The two largest ethnic groups in the United States are white and black African American.

What are the two largest ethnic group in the US?

german and usa

When will Hispanics become the largest minority group in the US?

It is projected that Hispanics will become the largest minority group in the US by 2060, according to the US Census Bureau's estimates. Their population growth is driven by high birth rates and immigration patterns.

What is the largest minority group in Texas?

The largest minority group in the US is Latino.

Are Asians considered an ethnic minority group in the US?

Yes, they are not the majority of the US population, so they therefor have to be a minority. Yes, they are; however, considering Asians are around 58% of the worlds population they shouldn't be by any means.

Largest ethnic group in america?

California is the biggest U.S. state based on population. New York City is the biggest U.S. city based on population.